Hello, I've been following this webpage with a lot of interest since a lucky random Google Images search brought me here a year or so ago.
I was just really curious about who you are and how come you seem to post original pictures from about everywhere in Asia and, more recently, in Europe. Until recently my my guess was that you were a westerner living in Indonesia and travelling in East Asia for work. I hope you haven't left Asia for good because I really enjoy your pictures from there.
Hello, I've been following this webpage with a lot of interest since a lucky random Google Images search brought me here a year or so ago.
I was just really curious about who you are and how come you seem to post original pictures from about everywhere in Asia and, more recently, in Europe. Until recently my my guess was that you were a westerner living in Indonesia and travelling in East Asia for work. I hope you haven't left Asia for good because I really enjoy your pictures from there.
Hi et.gaud:
Am currently in Indonesia and life is good.
Will leave for Sumba island (East of Bali) next week...
Glad to meet you...pictures of you are rare!
By the way... I was in the Mosquee de Paris at about the same time as you... :-O
Sidney, was it you in the hamam?
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