Saturday, August 11, 2007

How to finance Paris Hilton?

Lesson learnt: Don’t phone from a hotel room!

I was charged some €38.50 (currently $52.65) for a 15 minutes phone call to a neighboring Belgian town. After that I only skyped and realized how cheap wireless internet access in a hotel could be. That internet access was only €20 ($27.35).

All that happened in the Hilton in Luxemburg.

Paris, would you buy me a drink next time?

Photo from the entrance of the Hilton in Luxembourg in August 2007. No idea what the doorman is doing on the picture but I am sure it adds to the overall wealth of Luxemburg, which is the richest country (Gross National Income per capita) on the globe.

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At August 14, 2007 at 10:18 PM, Blogger Stoppel said...

...was hat der Herr in der Kühltasche? Nachschub für die Minibar ?!?

At August 14, 2007 at 10:54 PM, Blogger brommel said...

jenau, Stoppel. Versorgt ne janze Etage.


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