Bloody McDonalds and bloody elections
Yes, there is a connection between McDonalds and the upcoming elections in the Philippines! It seems burgers and voting are bloody businesses as seen on the two pictures taken on Good Friday 2007 in San Pedro Cutud. The picture above is showing the penitents spreading their blood over the McDonalds store; the second picture is showing a candidat for the upcoming elections in the Philippines. On the second picture it is quite easy to spot the blood from the penitents on the election poster. You might want to blow up the McDonalds store or you better believe me that their burgers and water were looking no different than the election poster.
Labels: elections, festivities, lent, Pampanga, Philippines, religion, weird
Happy Easter!
Did you joined the flagellants?
Happy Easter, Sidney. No, I ate a bloody burger instead.
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